Problems created by belief in imaginary Gods.
Many wars and conflicts throughout history, and continuing into the present day are inspired by and driven by religious differences.
Many holy books contain sections which condone, encourage and even demand unacceptable behaviours. Such as prejudices against women, the killing people who work on Sundays, the killing of children who curse their parents, the killing of homosexuals and the killing of witches and the keeping of slaves, all of which are contained within the bible.
The majority of believers in imaginary gods use common decency and choose to ignore these unacceptable passages. In addition, some religious philosophers devise arguments to re-interpret the text in different ways.
But the unacceptable texts remain and some fundamentalist believers use them to justify unacceptable behaviour.
In this way, this majority of believers are indirectly empowering the fundamentalist believers within their religion by helping to support, promote and perpetuate the belief system from which those fundamentalist members take their direction and inspiration.
Some religious texts set punishments for those who choose to leave the faith. These punishments range from ostracisation by family and friends to seizure of land and children through to actually prescribing death to the “apostate”.
Some religions are a form of death cult, with worshippers waiting for death or for the end of world and their reward in heaven. Some fundamentalist believers are really excited for the end of world and of civilisation, such as the imaginary Christian Armageddon, which is described as a gathering army for battle in end times. At which god punishes or destroys unrepentant sinners led by Satan.
Religious belief encourages having a closed mind with lack of scrutiny, logic and understanding.
Violence is also referenced as being acceptable in multiple situations in some religious texts.
Some religious texts prescribe morals which include prejudices and intolerance.